PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: Emphasizes lower abs. EXECUTION: This is another version of Reverse Crunches, only you do it hanging by your hands from a bar or resting on your forearms on a Hanging Leg Raise bench instead of lying on a bench. (1) Get into the hanging position and bring your knees up to the […]
Author Archives: tavi castro
PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: Emphasizes lower abs. EXECUTION: This exercise is best done lying on a Bench Press bench that has a rack at one end. (1) Lie on your back on the bench and reach up behind you to hold the rack for support. Bend your knees and bring them up as far toward your […]
PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: For upper abs and obliques. EXECUTION: (1) Lie on your back on the floor, your legs across a bench in front of you. (2) You can put your hands behind your neck and curl your trunk up toward your knees, rounding your back. As you do this, twist your torso so that […]
PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: Emphasizes upper abs. EXECUTION: (1) Lie on your back on the floor, your legs across a bench in front of you. You can put your hands behind your neck or keep them in front of you, whichever you prefer. (2) Curl your shoulders and trunk upward toward your knees, rounding your back. […]
PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: Emphasizes upper abs. EXECUTION: (1) Sit on the Roman Chair bench, hook your feet under the support, and fold your arms in front of you. (2) Keeping your stomach tucked in, lower yourself back to approximately a 70- degree angle, but not all the way back so your torso is parallel to […]
PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: To develop the lower and outer areas of the calves. EXECUTION: (1) Sit on the machine and place your toes on the bottom crosspiece, hooking your knees under the crossbar. Slowly lower your heels as far toward the ground as possible, (2) then press back up on your toes until your calves […]
PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: To develop the calves. EXECUTION: (1) Using one of the various types of Leg Press machines (I prefer the Vertical Leg Press for Calf Raises), position yourself as if to do a Leg Press, but push against the foot pads only with your toes, leaving your heels unsupported. Straighten your legs and […]
PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: To develop the overall mass of the calves. EXECUTION: (1) Stand with your toes on the block of a standing Calf Raise machine, your heels extended out into space. Hook your shoulders under the pads and straighten your legs, lifting the weight clear of the support. Lower your heels as far as […]
PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: To work the hamstrings. Also works glutes and lower back. EXECUTION: (1) Take hold of a barbell as for Deadlifts and come up to a standing position. (2) Keep your legs nearly locked and bend forward from the waist, your back straight, until your torso is about parallel to the floor, the […]
PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: To develop the leg biceps. Using a Standing Curl machine, you can train one leg at a time and further isolate the leg biceps. EXECUTION: (1) Stand against the machine and hook one leg behind the lever mechanism. (2) Hold yourself steady and curl the leg up as high as possible. Release […]